Tuesday 1 March 2016

200% Unknown Facts of Sir Albert Einstein

Fact -1 

Einstein's great breakthroughs came from visual experiments performed in his head rather than the lab.

Fact - 2


Albert Einstein considered himself an agnostic, not an atheist.

Fact - 3

Einstein was a
slow learner as a child and spoke very slowly.

Fact - 4

The pathologist who made Einstein body's autopsy stole his brain and kept it in a jar for 20 years.
Fact - 5

Nobel Prize money
Went to his ex-wife
as a divorce settlement.

Fact - 6

Einstein was offered
presidency of Israel
which he politely declined.

Fact - 7
Einstein Failed his University Entrance Exam and had to reapply a year later.

Fact -8
Einstein never received a Nobel prize for relativity.
it was actually for the photoelectric effect.

Fact - 9  
Einstein was famous
for having a bad memory.
He could not remember names,
dates and phone numbers

Fact - 10

Einstein had
an illegitimate

born in 1902. 

Fact - 11
Einstein, Darwin,
Allan Poe &
Saddam Hussein,
all married their
first cousins.

 Fact - 12
Austrian physicist Friedrich Hasenohrl published the basic equation E = mc2 a year before Einstein did.

Fact - 13
Albert Einstein's eyes remain in a safe box in NYC.

Fact -14

Yoda, from Star Wars, was modeled after the appearance of Albert Einstein.

Fact - 15

Albert Einstein had no car of his own and he also never learned how to drive.

Fact -16
Albert Einstein didn't like to wear socks.

Fact - 17

Albert Einstein's brain had a parietal lobe that was 15% larger than the average brain.

Fact - 18

Galileo Galilei was Albert Einstein's favorite scientist.

  Fact - 19

Albert Einstein denounced segregation, calling it a "disease of white people" and worked against racism in America.

Fact -20

Hours before his death, Einstein was still
attempting to prove his Theory of Everything.

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