Saturday 5 March 2016

Watch this Video How Whatsapp Works (Technology Behind WhatsApp Messenger) and some New facts too.


1. Facebook bought WhatsApp for $19 billion

After buying WhatsApp, Facebook issued a press release according to which the deal between these two networking giants was closed on $19 billion.The break according to Forbes is like this – $12 billion in stock, $4 billion in cash, and $3 billion in restricted stocks which will be released to WhatsApp employees after 4 years.According to this Facebook estimated the value of each WhatsApp user to be of around $42.
2. WhatsApp has serious Security Issues According to Mcafee WhatsApp has serious Security issues. Although there are many Misconceptions about hacking WhatsApp but it is one of the most insecure IM services and can be hacked even by a layman using some WhatsApp hacking tricks and techniques and anyone’s message history can be decrypted easily.

3. WhatsApp has the most number of active users per engineer

WhatsApp has the most number of active users per engineer in the industry or the least number of engineers working in comparison to the number of people using this service, there were 30 billion messages being sent per day as of January 2016.

4. It was founded by Brian Acton and Jan Koum

WhatsApp was founded in 2009 by two former employees of Yahoo! – Brian Acton and Jan Koum.Both of them sat for job interviews in Facebook and Twitter and were rejected, after which Jan tweeted – “Facebook turned me down. It was great opportunity to work with some fantastic people, looking forward to life’s next adventure.”

5. WhatsApp has spent Zero Cash on marketing Yeas, you read it right, Whatsapp has not spent a single penny on marketing, PR and user acquisition.Also, the Co-Founder of the messaging app  – Jan Koum keeps a note on his desk written by Brianwhich says “No Ads! No Games! No Gimmicks!” To keep them solely focused on building a pure messaging experience.

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