Sunday 8 January 2017

Stephen Hawking Warns The Impact of Automation and AI on Jobs

This is the future of AI (Artificial Intelligence), according to Stephen Hawking

He’s Previously Said that AI could spell the end of the human Race.

This is the Impact he thinks it will have on the future of jobs

He predicts the rise of more intelligent machines will destroy of jobs

Automation will mean companies can employ fewer people

Saving Money, but causing further economic inequality according to Hawking

Oxford University has predicted 57% of jobs at risk of automation  

Hawking has warned we’re at the “most dangerous moment in the development of humanity”

The end of the human workforce has been predicted before

The arrival of steam power and automated looms caused concern during the industrial revolution

Early computers in the 1950’s also caused fears about the future of millions of workers    

Are you worried about your job?

Source: World Economic Forum

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