Monday 2 January 2017

Be Aware a Malware is spreading through Whatsapp

whatsapp is a leading social media platform now-a-days. We can share and receive different kinds of files of course there is a limit for file size. A hacker created and sharing some viruses attached to XLS spread sheets. These two files are namely “NDA-ranked-8th-toughest-College-in-the-world-to-get-into.xls”and“NIA-selection-order-.xls”.

NDA and NIA are the main Industries for security and defense. The hacker took the advantage of these industries names and sharing these MOBILE MALWARE under the above mentioned files.

As soon as you click on these malware files , the malware code gets executed on your phone and steals everything that is possible and drops the valuable information (might be credit card info, debit card info, bank details ,photos , contacts and even more) into the hands of the hacker.

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