Saturday 14 January 2017

Why do we fly Kites during Makara sankranti?

Makara Sankranti is a festival famous for sesame sweets it was a festival celebrate to mark the spring season. According to The Hindu calendar Makara Sankranti is celebrated in Magh 1st solar of Hindu calendar and new crops for farmers and also ending of winter season.

Why we fly Kites during Makara sankranti?
In winter season many of us may infects with cold and cough also skin gets dried .When we fly kites we will get Vitamin “D” from the sun in mean while exposure of body in sun.  Sun rays acts as medicine for the body.

Why do we eat sweets ?
And we eat many sweetmeats and distribute sweets among all the people there was proverb that “eat this sweet and jaggery and speak sweet words” originated from Mahrastrain culture and also there was a medical benefit is that by eating sweet body gets warm and provides essential oil.  

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