Monday 13 February 2017

All you need to know about PSLV C-37 ISRO’s upcoming satellite launch.

ISRO ready to take 104 Satellites in to the space through PSLVC-37 Rocket. It contains 714 Kilos Cargo sat Satellite, which carries more weight and other 103 satellites are about 664 kilos only. And our ISRO had 8.4 Kilo Weight of nano satellite. (INAS-1A), INS1-B Nano Satellite weighs about 9.7 kg.These are the Three Indian Important Satellites going to release in to Space. 

List of Other Satellites as follow:

88 American Dove Satellites weights about 631.1 kilos.

And 96 satellites along with 8 Limor satellite
PS-1 Netherlands Satellite weighs about 3 kilograms
Switzerland satellite DIDO -2 weight is about 4.2 kilograms
ISREAL BGU SAT satellite 4.3 kilograms
ALL-PHARA B-1 Kazakhstan 1.7 kg Satellite
NAIF-1 foreign satellite belongs to United Nation Emirates weighs about 1.1 kgs    
American 88 DOVE Satellites

PSLV-C37 Rocket will takes off in to the space about 505 to 525 km height and ISRO designed PSLV-C-37 rocket to separate all the satellites automatically in to the orbit one by one with out hitting each other and PSLV-C37 is about 320 tones weight along with 44.4 meters height it was programmed to complete the mission with in 28.42 minutes. First step will be started with 211.4 tones with Solid Fuel, first step 6 boosters will have 73.2 solid fuel, when it comes to "Core Alone” step it will start with 138.2 tones of Solid Fuel by this process First step will gets completes in 110.88 seconds with 138.2 tones of solid Fuel.
American  LIMOR satellite

Second step will completes in 262.92 seconds with 42 tones of Liquid Fuel,
Third step will completes in 492.22 seconds with 7.6 tones of solid fuel
And the Final Fourth step will completes in the spam of 510.383 seconds with 2.5 tones of Liquid fuel. 

IANS -1 (A)

First CARTOSAT-2D satellite will be released within 17.29 minutes in to the orbit which weighs about 714 kilos, 510.383 km distance away from the land surface
After that at 17.40 minutes INS-1A satellite will be released from 510.601 km height

At 18.32 minutes First FAIR NANO SATELLITE will be released from 511.719 km height 

It was designed to complete the mission after releasing LAST FAIR NANO SATILLITES distance from 524.075 km height at the time of 28.42 minutes.

Note: In PSLV SERIES it was 39th Experiment and it was 16th Experiment using strapan booster        

IANS -1 (B)

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