Thursday 23 February 2017

NASA Discovered 7 Solar System with Earth like Planets.

NASA Scientists Found 7 solar system with earth like planets. NASA told that those 7earth like planets in the solar system are fare away from 39 light years. planets which are equal to the earth. These Solar planets are revolving around the 1(TRAPPIST-1) Star present in the orbit in all the 7 planets 3 of then were revolving in HABITABLE ZONE around the star. In the past scientists conducted experiments only on 4 planets to found earth like planets.  

 Toady NASA announced they were feeling great started doing experiments on  these new found 7 solar system earth like planets in the space revolving around the 1(TRAPPIST-1) Star to find all the elements like Water, Perfect Temperature, etc to lead life in that Earth Like planets .

NASA announced that they came to know   1(TRAPPIST-1) star is 8% larger than sun in the start article. After going near to that earth like planets they announced that earth like planets appeared vast in the size.

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