Friday 10 February 2017

Un Knwon Life Journey of Thomas Alva Edison

EDISON son of (Samuel Edison) 99.99% people don’t known about Thomas Edison.
From his Childhood he was brilliant he was very interested to know about all the things how they were manufactured.

Edison put many questions instead of reading. Once his teacher bought him to his house and reported to this mother that he was very poor and ordered her him to not send to school again in future, Later his mother answered to edison teacher that my son was not poor also said to the teacher that she was failed to educate his son after that incident his mother not joined Edison in any school again, his mother educated him how to read and write.

In his Autobiography he wrote as only my mother was created me, also he said that my mother trusted so that I was here as Thomas Alva Edison.

Because of his poor situations Edison entered in to business at the age of 12. He uses to sell chocolates and news papers in trains. At the age of 14 a news paper was published by him in the name Grand Trunk Herald news paper use to sell in trains, in his news paper he use to publish Gossips, Business statistics, philosophy and political news.

From the age of 16 Edison use to go to public library and there he studied how telegraphic signals works with the help of that information he invented stock sticker machine a tried a lot to sell that machine in many companies after trying a long time a vast company agreed to buy his stock ticker machine by giving 10,000 thousand dollar in that generation.

With that money he made his own laboratory. On one day Edison announced that he was going to invent a machine which can record the voice and to hear the same voice through the same machine people thought him as he got mad in short time he invented phonograph and the same phonograph developed in to gramophone from gramophone to radio from there became as I-pod he was the inventor of Music systems which we are using now in name of many companies.

After inventing phonograph whole world started to talk about himself after that in short time he given other statement that I will invent new inventions for every month and also I will invent a vast invention which will create a wonder, again all the people thought he was suffering with mad in those days only gas lights are in use he thought to invent alternate bulb to available for cheap cost there he got succeeded in his invention, as he invented Long Lasting Electric Bulb later again he given a statement that he was going to invent cheap electricity DC direct current to use the electric bulb in houses. Rates of his Electric bulb is equal to the cost of candle in the same time Edison invented Generator which produces electricity using the power which was generated by the steam, the steam which was extracted  by heating the earth using coal.

He also invented Motion Picture camera by using the principle that  when many of photos in different positions placed on the stripe and if that strip moved for 1 second with 24 photos then all the photos will be appeared as if they were in motion.  Now all the movie motion works was done using the same motion picture camera    
Invented by Edison.

All star actors chiranjeevi, Balakrishna, Upendra, sampoornesh babu are the fans of Thomas Alva Edison.

Edison started Film Studio and he made 1200 motion pictures. Car Batteries also invented by Edison and also Edison invented Fluoroscope which used in X-ray Scanning.

To light the Bulb Edison invited 365 inventions conductors, switches, sockets, generators, resistors etc…

With addition of 365 inventions Bulb was lightened. He used to sleep for 4-5 hours.

For Example in two people, if one man sleep for 4-6 hours and if other sleeps for above 8 hours. Person who sleeps for 4-6 hours then that person can be decided that he lived above 25 years more through out in his life time.

Before his invention of Electric Bulb Edison failed for 10,000 times a journalist questioned Edison how he felt when he failed for many times before he succeeded in his Electric bulb Invention Edison answered you all may only one method to make Electric Bulb that too said by me, but I was the only person know 10, 000 ways to do not follow to invent the Electric Bulb.

Edison dead because of Diabetes disease if Edison live for more 20 years then we would be in 200 years advanced generation.    

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